How to Plan Your Medicinal Herb Garden

How to Plan Your Medicinal Herb Garden

I love growing my own medicinal herbs, and I plan my garden well in advance. There are certain herbs I use all the time, and those are the ones that I make it a point to grow. And, I always make sure to plant herbs that will work in the kitchen as well.

For example, two of my favorite herbs are peppermint and parsley. I use them all the time in my cooking and they are also good medicine. I use spearmint to aid digestion and parsley works well when I need a diuretic. In my cooking I use parsley for garnishes and mint makes its way into my stuffed grape leaves.

I usually spend the winter planning which herbs will go in my garden. I research the herbs thoroughly and determine where in the yard they will thrive best. This allows me plenty of time to start some of them from seed if I need to, or begin to track them down in the garden centers early on in the season.

Things You'll Need:

Measurements of your gardening space

A list of herbs to consider

Herb books and online resources for research

Understanding of any ailments or health concerns you may have


Measure your garden space.

The first thing you need to do is consider where you want your
herb garden
. Keep in mind that not all herbs thrive in the same conditions. So, you may need to have more than one plot in your
space. For example, some plants may require full sun, others may require full shade, and some require a mixture of both.

If you have measurements of the different gardening areas that are available to you, you'll be able to decide where to place each herb.


Make a rough list of herbs.

Your next step is to make a rough list of herbs that you would like to consider. This list is simply a brainstorm. You'll need to research the herbs further to make sure they are appropriate for your needs or will grow in your climate.

Also consider that some herbs don't need to be planted in your garden because you can find them in abundance growing wild. Common lawn "weeds" such as chicory, dandelion, plantain, and chickweed are perfect examples of this.

You may want to start with the plants that you like. Think about the herbal teas you tend to buy or the herbs that you like cooking with. All cooking herbs and spices have medicinal value. This is a great place to start if you are just getting into learning about medicinal herbs.


Think about your needs.

Your next step is to think about the different ailments or health concerns you may have and choose the plants that can help. Place these herbs on your list for further consideration.

For example, if your family gets frequent colds, you'll want to include herbs like elderberry, peppermint, chamomile and sage on that list.


Research the different plants.

Once you made your list with herbs to consider for your garden, the next step is to research the plants. Make sure they are truly appropriate for your situation. You'll also want to learn about the growing conditions that the plant requires, whether or not the plant will grow in your zone, and when you'll need to harvest it.

Burdock root, for example, needs to be harvested on a two year plant. If you''ll only be living in the house for a year, it's pointless to plant the burdock in the ground.


Decide where they'll go.

Once you do the appropriate research, you'll need to figure out where the plants will go. Use the measurements of your garden spaces to figure out exactly what you'll need to plant and where you'll need to plant it. This extra level of planning will help you save time and money in the long run because you won't buy anything unnecessary.

Tips & Warnings

If you don't have a lot of garden space, you may want to plant things in containers.

Don't overwhelm yourself. If you're new to gardening, choose only a few plants to work with. Two or three of your favorites will be more than adequate in the beginning.

Make sure the herbs you choose are not dangerous to your health or toxic.

How to Plan a Weekend Detox

How to Plan a Weekend Detox

If you are overstressed or overworked, you need a weekend detox. It will melt away your stress and remove toxin build-up from your body. You can prevent injuries and health problems, while even curing some acute illnesses.Plan a weekend just for yourself. You can do this at home or a quiet place nestled away from your home. By the end of the weekend detox, you will feel a jolt of energy and renewal. Your mind will have clarity and your body will have more strength. Do this for yourself. You deserve it. Follow these steps for a weekend detox and renew your body and spirit.

Things You'll Need:

1 Lemon

Face and Body Mask

Hair Treatment or Mask

Cuticle Oil

Foot Lotion

Journal or book


Lean chicken




Saturday Detox


Begin your Saturday morning with a detox breakfast and a dry body brush. Wake up Saturday morning and stretch in bed. Lie there for a few minutes and be aware of your mind and body. Treat your body with an instant lemon detox. Fill a mug with hot water and a squeeze in one-half of a lemon. Follow this internal cleansing with a dry brush, stroking the brush towards your heart. Take a shower and eat a high protein breakfast with scrambled eggs and plain whole-wheat toast. Include a glass of fresh orange juice. Rest and relax after breakfast with easy listening music and meditation.


Eat a lean lunch with fresh vegetables and after lunch, give yourself a full body spa. Apply a face and body mask, while using a deep conditioning hair mask or leave-in glossing treatment. Use cuticle oil on your fingers and toes. Meditate during your spa treatment while using your favorite aromatherapy candles or incense. Rinse off the masks in a warm shower and take a nap or rest. Eat fresh pineapple or a banana for a mid-afternoon snack.


Prepare a lean dinner and enjoy Saturday evening to yourself. Read a book or write in a quiet place. Use your journal to reflect your thoughts. Try reading a good fiction book to carry you away from your stresses. Listen to music and enjoy the evening to yourself. Think positive thoughts and repeat positive affirmations. Give yourself a good hand and neck massage. Enjoy a piece of fruit and a glass of ice water.

Sunday Detox


Eat breakfast and do a creative activity. Before breakfast, prepare your mug with hot water and lemon. Fix breakfast with two poached eggs and whole-wheat toast, with a glass of cranberry juice. Give your body a full dry brushing. Take a shower with several cold blasts of water. Do a creative activity, such as art and ceramics. If you can sew or knit, you can create something for yourself or your home. Relax and enjoy the activity. See that the work you are creating carries no stress or pressure on how it turns out. Think positive and enjoy your creative work.


Prepare a lean lunch for Sunday afternoon and take a walk. Choose chicken and vegetables for Sunday lunch with a cup of hot tea. Rest and relax after lunch. Take a walk outside and renew your energy. Let the toxins evaporate and inhale the fresh air. Take a nap or rest after your walk.


Make plans for the week ahead. Eat any choice of a lean dinner Sunday evening. Relax after dinner. This is the end of your detox and your mind will be more focused and relaxed. Make plans for the week ahead, setting goals using your agenda or personal journal. Use this time to reflect and renew your energy. Meditate and feel the renewal. Think about how you may renew your life with positive changes such as eating healthier, fixing a broken relationship, or having better interpersonal relationships at work.

Tips & Warnings

Buy all your items needed before Saturday. Avoid driving during a weekend detox. Traffic is an instant source of stress.

Stick to the schedule and do not allow others to interrupt your detox weekend. Tell others in advance that you have planned a weekend detox and need to eliminate distractions and interruptions. This weekend is for you. Your mind and body are going through positive, healthy changes.

Do not be discouraged in this program. Sunday morning calls for creative work, and even though you may not have the talent for art, the value of art in the detox process will inspire and exercise your train of thought. Your thinking will become clearer and you will be working without stress. This activity prepares you to for another work week. Allow yourself to see the best in your work, appreciating what you contribute and what you create.

Do not eat junk foods or sugary laden items this weekend. Do not drink alcohol or carbonated drinks. Avoid salt and fatty fried foods. On the weekend detox, eat only lean meats, and be sure to get plenty of fruit and vegetables with lunch and dinner. You choose the fruit and vegetable options for your meals.

Make plans to do the weekend detox on a regular basis.

Be sure to eat only healthy foods and do not plan to fast on the weekend detox.

Take your medication as prescribed. Talk to your doctor before you start the weekend detox if you want to eliminate your medication during this cleansing.

How to Place Large Stones for Hot Stone Massage

How to Place Large Stones for Hot Stone Massage

Hot stone massage is a massage technique that incorporates heated basalt stones. Since the heat penetrates the muscles, the therapist is able to provide deep tissue massage without exerting a lot of pressure. Larger stones weigh up to five pounds and are used on larger muscles. Proper placement of the large stones is key to a great massage.


Remove a stone from the hot water. Blot it with a small towel.


Check the temperature against your skin. If it feels too hot, lay a towel or sheet over the client's back and reduce the temperature of the water.


Place the stone on one side of the lower back, just above the hips. Remove the next stone. Place it on the lower back, next to the first one on the opposite side of the spine.


Take the remaining stones out of the water, one at a time. Place them on the upper back between the shoulder blades on each side of the spine.


Question the client about her comfort. If the client reports that the stones are too hot, reduce the temperature until the client is satisfied.


Look for burns or redness on the skin, especially when working with people who have certain health conditions or low sensitivity to heat. Diabetics and people with peripheral vascular disease often suffer from neuropathy and cannot feel burns.

How to Place Crystals Around the Home

How to Place Crystals Around the Home

Crystals are used around the house to balance the flow of energy and to enhance energy for specific goals. Oftentimes, crystals are used in correlation with feng shui, especially to help correct areas where imbalance may occur due to the home's design.

Things You'll Need:

Assortment of crystals


The kitchen is the heart of the house and the place where you can enhance family and togetherness. Green is the color usually associated with the kitchen and green stones like moss agate, jade or green adventurine work well in this room. Red jasper can also be used in the kitchen to aid digestion. To fix an imbalance, place a crystal anywhere there is a fire and water element next to each other. An example is the sink or dishwasher being next to the stove or oven.


The living room is linked with the color red and is another focus of family togetherness. However, the living room is also where many discussions and arguments may occur. Warm red stones like red jasper and carnelian bring a comforting atmosphere to the room. Rose quartz and rhodonite help facilitate peaceful family discussions.


The bathroom is associated with water and the colors blue and black. Some soothing bathroom crystals are blue lace agate, lapis lazuli, sodalite and smoky quartz. Place a stone in the shower or bath to cleanse the water of any negative energy before cleansing the skin.


The dining room is where intimate get-togethers as well as big noisy parties happen. Again, red tiger's eye will be useful in aiding digestion, and since it's a warm red color it will aid in setting a hospitable environment. Red also helps initiate conversations. A table centerpiece made from a bowl of crystals or some red candles surrounded by crystals is ideal.


The master bedroom is associated with the colors yellow and pink. Crystals can be used to enhance sleep, romance, sex and partnership. Place rose quartz near the headboard or bedside table to invite love into the room. Improve sleep by using crystals like sugilite and rose quartz.


The home office is an ideal place for wealth crystals. Bloodstone will aid removing any obstacles and represents inherited and earned wealth. Charoite, flourite and watermelon tourmaline also work well in the office.

How to Pick Vegetables for an Acid Reflux Diet

How to Pick Vegetables for an Acid Reflux Diet

Millions of people worldwide suffer from acid reflux. This disorder is caused when the proton pump inhibitors in the stomach overreact and produce too much stomach acid. This overproduction of acid then backs up the lower valve of the esophagus and causes a burning sensation which can vary in intensity from person to person. When suffering from acid reflux you must be careful when choosing foods. These steps will show you how to select the right vegetables--ones that will not cause you to suffer from more persistent heartburn.

Things You'll Need:


Local produce store

Personal time

Doctor recommendations


Talk to your doctor and get recommendations. The best way to know what you can and cannot eat when suffering from acid reflux is by asking your doctor. Most doctors will happily provide an informative brochure that details healthy eating when suffering from this disorder.


Shy away from vegetables containing acids. There are many vegetables that contain acids, and many that do not. You want to stay away from any vegetables that contain acids so you do not provoke your acid reflux symptoms. Choose foods and vegetables that contain high complex carbohydrates, such as rice, potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower and carrots. Avoid any citrus fruits and especially avoid tomatoes. Stay away from vegetables that contain high fat contents such as avocados. These foods take longer to digest and require more stomach acid during digestion.


Do not eat red sauces. These are always a no-no. Instead, substitute with white sauces and make sure that they are low in fat content. Finally, avoid alcoholic beverages and sodas, and do not drink tomato-based juices, or juices made from citrus fruits.


A high starch diet is the best approach to be free from acid reflux. A healthy diet of potatoes and other vegetables like celery are the best way to avoid experiencing reoccurring persistent heartburn.

Tips & Warnings

Try standing upright and walking around for at least 45 minutes post digestion to allow the stomach to calm down and not allow the acid to overflow into your esophagus.

If you suffer from acid reflux, make sure that you see a doctor. This is a serious disorder and it shouldn't be ignored.

How to Pick Scents to Enhance Mood

How to Pick Scents to Enhance Mood

Enhance your mood by picking the right scents. These scents may be used in different forms, including essential oils, candles, incense or fragrant room sprays. Scent is powerful and is deeply tied to memory. Picking the right scent can enhance an already good mood, and it can calm other moods. Scents can enhance relaxation, create romance, or revive you with energy. Read on to learn how to pick scents to enhance mood.

Things You'll Need:

Essential oils or candles


Soothe nerves and settle into a relaxed state when you pick scents to enhance a calm mood. Popular scents for enhancing a calm mood include bergamot, sage, frankincense,
, patchouli, sandalwood and ylang ylang. When you are beyond calm and relaxed, and are feeling irritable, opt for lavender or sandalwood.


Energize and refresh by picking fresh, citrus scents. These scents are ideal for a living room, a morning shower, or for a natural way to wake up after lunch while sitting at your desk. Pick any citrus scent.


Seduce your senses with scents that enhance a romantic mood. Some good scents to pick for enhancing a romantic mood are jasmine, gardenia, patchouli and sandalwood.


Smile when you pick scents to enhance a happy and carefree mood. Citrus scents also fit into the happy scent category, and include grapefruit, lemon and orange. Also consider neroli, rose or ylang ylang scents.


Decorate a home with seasonal scents, which can enhance a festive mood. Scents of cinnamon, apples, nutmeg and brown sugar can create a cozy mood in the autumn months. Citrus and sage is a refreshing combination to enhance a spring mood.

Tips & Warnings

Scent can be very personal, pick the scents which smell the best to you.

Do not overwhelm your senses by combining too many different scents.

How to Pick Out a Crystal

How to Pick Out a Crystal

Crystals are used in many different healing or spiritual ceremonies and are becoming more and more popular. The task of choosing the right crystal, however, is a bit more challenging. Below are some helpful hints.


Learn about crystals and what they symbolize and can help you with. For example, quartz is a great general healing crystal. It comes in a variety of types (i.e. rose, smoky) so researching what each variation does is important.


Decide on what kind of crystal you are looking for. Sometimes it's easier to do this in the store than beforehand.


At the store, run your hand over top of the crystals but do not touch them. The crystal you are supposed to get will "call out" to you. You may feel a tingling in your fingers or hand or there may be one that you can't stop looking at and no matter what, you keep coming back to it--that is your crystal.


Once you get it home you will have to cleanse it. This will release any energy obtained from other people touching it. Put your crystal in a bowl of salt water for 24 hours, then put it in the sunlight for another 24 hours. After that it will be cleansed and recharged for your use.

Tips & Warnings

Do not let anyone else touch your crystal. Your crystal should only have your energy within it; not anyone else's. If someone does touch it, repeat the cleansing procedure.