How to Place Large Stones for Hot Stone Massage

How to Place Large Stones for Hot Stone Massage

Hot stone massage is a massage technique that incorporates heated basalt stones. Since the heat penetrates the muscles, the therapist is able to provide deep tissue massage without exerting a lot of pressure. Larger stones weigh up to five pounds and are used on larger muscles. Proper placement of the large stones is key to a great massage.


Remove a stone from the hot water. Blot it with a small towel.


Check the temperature against your skin. If it feels too hot, lay a towel or sheet over the client's back and reduce the temperature of the water.


Place the stone on one side of the lower back, just above the hips. Remove the next stone. Place it on the lower back, next to the first one on the opposite side of the spine.


Take the remaining stones out of the water, one at a time. Place them on the upper back between the shoulder blades on each side of the spine.


Question the client about her comfort. If the client reports that the stones are too hot, reduce the temperature until the client is satisfied.


Look for burns or redness on the skin, especially when working with people who have certain health conditions or low sensitivity to heat. Diabetics and people with peripheral vascular disease often suffer from neuropathy and cannot feel burns.