How to Have a Color Makeover for Spring

How to Have a Color Makeover for Spring

It's an excellent idea for every woman to have a color makeover for spring as it will keep her look updated and refresh her own outlook for the new season. The colors selected for a spring makeover can make you look 10 pounds lighter and 10 years younger.

Things You'll Need:

Boxes or garbage bags

Full-length mirror

Hand mirror

Color consultant

Spend Time Cleaning Out Your Closet and Bathroom Drawers


Take everything out of your closet, one item at a time. For each item, ask yourself whether you have worn it in the last year. If not, put it in one of two piles: good clothing that can be donated or stained or damaged clothing that should be discarded.


Try on remaining items and take a good look in a full-length mirror. Use a hand mirror to check out the back as well. Toss or give away any clothing that is unflattering. It's better to have a wardrobe consisting of a few pieces that make you feel good than a closet stuffed with unattractive clothing.


Combine pieces and accessories in new ways as you try things on. Any clothing that is good but needs repair or alteration should be kept in another pile. Pack up your undesirables in boxes and garbage bags for donation and hang the "keepers" back in the closet.


Go through the


in your bathroom drawers and shelves. Anything over a year old should be tossed. Choose lighter, brighter colors for spring when you restock.

Have a Specialist Update Your Colors


Visit a professional makeup artist. Have her suggest the best spring makeup colors and apply them. Ask for a daytime look and an evening look.


Treat yourself to a free makeup consultation at a department store. You will only be able to sample one brand of cosmetics, but you should get some good ideas about what colors work best for you.


Consult a wardrobe professional who will coordinate the ideal colors for spring and your personal skin tones. She will probably drape various color swatches on you to get an idea of what shades work best.

Tips & Warnings

Build your wardrobe around such basics as the crisp white blouse and little black dress.

Keep within a budget when replacing outdated colors of makeup and clothing.

Don't become emotionally attached to clothing or the memories that may cling to them. In order to look your best after a color makeover, you may have to part with clothing that doesn't work anymore.

Throw out old makeup to avoid the spread of bacteria.