How to Have a Fashion Show at Home

How to Have a Fashion Show at Home

Whether you and your
want to show off new outfits, check out the season's latest fashions or display items that you're hoping to swap, organize a home fashion show as an exciting way to see the garments. The party will turn an ordinary event into an extraordinarily fun and productive evening.


Invite your friends over and instruct them to bring recent clothing purchases that they can't wait to show off, garments that they need help coordinating or older items that they're willing to trade.


Set up a dressing room with several tall mirrors and places to hang clothing. Decide if everyone will change into new outfits at the same time or if one friend will reveal all of her outfits before going onto the next person.


Tell each person to state the store, designer and price of each item that they're showing to the group in case anyone wants to buy a similar item. Provide small spiral notebooks and pens in case anyone wants to take notes. Play up-tempo music in the background to create a lively atmosphere.


Organize a mini boutique once everyone has shown off the clothing they've brought. Give each guest an area to set out the items that they hope to trade or simply group shirts, skirts, pants and accessories together if your friends just want to give them away.


Prepare refreshments to enjoy after the fashion show. Try an assortment of fresh fruit, yogurt and sherbet so guests can create their own smoothies, cheese and crackers,


and dip and finger sandwiches.

Tips & Warnings

If you're organizing a home fashion show for
or younger girls, consider setting up a "runway" by arranging chairs to create a narrow path in the center. Drape a curtain over the door so they can make a grand entrance and shine large lights on them as they walk.