How to Have a Designer Purse Party

How to Have a Designer Purse Party

Designer purse parties can be a fun way to socialize with friends while making money. If done correctly, a designer purse party can be quite lucrative. Plus, you can hold it right in your home whenever you'd like. You're in control! Here's how to host a designer purse party.


Find a source for your designer purses.

Be sure you're getting your designer purses at true wholesale prices. Many so called wholesale sites are actually selling purses retail. One site that shows you how to buy designer purses at wholesale prices is


Order your purses.

Start by ordering around 15-20 designer purses along with 10-15 wallets. Having fewer purses will help to increase their perceived value and people will realize they need to buy one right away or miss out.


Make your list of attendees.

Write down the names of 15-20 friends and family members who are fashion conscious and would be interested in purchasing a purse at a designer purse party.


Send out invitations.

Buy invitations or make your own by using a rubber stamp to stamp the image of a purse on the front of a blank card. In your invitation, ask each guest to bring along a friend.


Plan your refreshments.

Offer some light food. Don't go overboard since you want people to concentrate on the purses. Be sure to prepare a little extra in case more people show up than expected.


Prepare a display for your purses.

Display is important and should be elegant to reflect the value of your purses. Don't crowd the purses together. Spread them out as much as possible to create less confusion. Your display can be as simple as a table covered with a black velvet covering. Try adding some framed photos of models carrying designer purses similar to the ones you're offering on the display table.


Welcome your guests and make them feel comfortable.

When guests arrive give them a warm welcome and give them time to loosen up by serving refreshments. You can then introduce the designer purses and give everyone the chance to touch them. Do some fun activities such as having an impromptu fashion show where everyone models a purse. You can also hold contests and give away a free wallet. (This is a good way to collect email addresses).


Collect money for the purses.

As the designer purse party winds down, collect money for the purses and encourage the attendees in your group to sponsor their own designer purse party for a free designer purse. Collect the names of anyone who shows an interest. In this way, you can build a viable long term, lucrative business hosting designer purse parties.

Tips & Warnings

Designer purse parties are quite hot right now so you should get a good response.

Don't be a pushy sales person. Be helpful and ready to answer questions about the designer purses.