How to Have a Good Shopping Spree

How to Have a Good Shopping Spree

Retail therapy can be a fun way to spend a weekend. To make the most of your shopping spree, take some time to do some good planning.


Save your money. It is not much fun to go on a shopping spree with no cash to spend, and putting all of your purchases on credit can lead to guilt and buyer's remorse. For the most fun retail therapy experience, spend a few weeks saving your money and take it along in cash.


Enlist a friend or group of friends to share your experience. Shopping is not much fun to do alone, and having another set of hands in a store is a good thing. You can also rely on your shopping companions to give you honest feedback on outfits and accessories. The perfect shopping spree accomplice has similar tastes as you with enough backbone to tell you if something is truly unflattering.


Choose a mall or shopping center with plenty of stores and lots of variety. Having to go around town in a car to individual stores and


takes valuable time away from your shopping spree. Shopping in a mall puts everything in easy reach and usually gives you plenty of choices in clothing and accessory stores.


Work in a fantastic lunch or dinner. Shopping takes a lot of energy, so take time to refuel and socialize over a filling meal, perhaps with a nice glass of wine or cocktail. This adds a bit of luxury to your day if you choose a sit down establishment rather than the food court. Now is the time to splurge a little on dessert or a fancy entree, but don't eat so much that you are too stuffed to try on clothes after.


Splurge on one big ticket or dream item. Spend a little bit more and buy that fantastic purse, to-die-for pair of shoes or little dress you have been eyeing all season. A true shopping spree should not be all about bargains, but about bringing home a true treasure for your closet.